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이미지 제공: Possessed Photography

Metal-Ion Batteries

Li-ion battery technologies have aided the revolution in the improvement of our lifestyles for three decades. We now need advanced metal-ion batteries possessing high energy and power densities to supply electricity for ensuring long-range electric vehicles (EVs), large-scale energy storage systems, and advanced microdevices.

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Advanced Li-Ion Batteries

Our research is focused on the fabrication of promising negative & positive materials for next-generation Li-ion batteries having outstanding battery performance. Nanostructured composite materials synergize the effects of intrinsic property and structure on Li+ storage, showing attractive characteristics differentiating from their bulk counterparts.

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Beyond Li-Ion Batteries
(Na/K-ion & Zn/Al-ion)

The state-of-the-art Li-ion batteries using lithium that is unequally distributed resources and become gradually scarce will be limited in the future. Sodium-ion (Na-ion) /potassium-ion (K-ion) and Zinc-ion (Zn-ion)/Aluminum-ion (Al-ion) batteries using organic and/or aqueous electrolytes are prime examples of "beyond Li-ion technologies" that can potentially solve the vexing problems associated with issues of Li scarcity, high price, and unsafeness. For replacing Li with Na & K and Zn & Al, we are aiming to find viable electrode materials.

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